Class Ii Gaming

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  1. Class Ii Gaming Mics
  2. Class Ii Gaming Machines Odds
  3. Class Iii Gaming Definition

For Immediate Release
Contact: Sarah Walters
(202) 632-7003

. Class II primarily includes bingo (whether or not it is electronically enhanced), pull-tabs, lotto, punch boards, tip jars, instant bingo, games similar to bingo and non-banking card games allowed by state law. Class III gaming includes all gaming that is not Class I or Class II gaming, primarily slot machines, casino. Few would argue that for most of the U.S., the pace of new tribal casino development has slowed over the past decade. This fact however has not diminished the growing acceptance and use of Class II gaming machine solutions in the tribal gaming space, and an ever increasing number of slot suppliers are creating new Class II cabinets and content to satisfy this growing demand.

Class Ii Gaming Mics

NIGC Announces Publication of Final Rules for Class II Gaming Regulations Parts 543 and 547

Revised Rules to Provide NIGC and Tribes with Essential Tools to Further Protect Indian Gaming Jumba bet mobile.

Chronicle bill management 6 7 3. Washington, DC September 21, 2012 —Today, the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC/Commission) announced the publication of highly-anticipated revisions to two regulations crucial to safeguarding Indian gaming: 25 CFR Part 543 Minimum Internal Control Standards for Class II Gaming (MICS) and 25 CFR Part 547 Minimum Technical Standards for Class II Gaming Systems and Equipment.

The revised final rules make critical updates and changes to the regulations governing Class II MICS and gaming equipment. As the agency charged with Federal regulation of Indian gaming, the NIGC is responsible for protecting gaming revenue, helping to ensure that tribes are the primary beneficiaries of that revenue, and overall, keeping Indian gaming safe.

'Minimum Controls and Technical Standards provide a solid, comprehensive framework that the NIGC, Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authorities (TGRA) and operators alike can use to strengthen the security of their operations,' Chairwoman Tracie Stevens stated. 'The safeguarding of tribal assets, as well as game and player protection, is essential in ensuring the integrity of tribal gaming operations.'

Part 543 and 547 establish standards that are designed to protect Class II gaming operations from theft, fraud, and loss, while also preserving safety and fairness to patrons. These final rules update and revise partial, outdated standards with comprehensive standards that take into account advances in technology and recognize the significant role of TGRAs.

In addition to updating sections that were previously included, Part 543 incorporates all aspects of Class II gaming, such as procedures for card games, drop and count, surveillance, gaming promotions and player tracking. The new MICS also take into account the diverse Indian gaming industry by providing more flexibility to TGRAs.


'These newly revised regulations more clearly define the responsibilities of TGRAs and the NIGC. They better reflect the intent of Congress to incorporate a multi-tiered regulatory scheme for the establishment of Indian gaming,' said Vice Chairwoman Steffani Cochran. 'In these Standards,' she continued, 'the NIGC establishes the fundamental framework with which tribes are required to comply, while also recognizing TGRA's role as the day-to-day regulators to more closely meet individual tribes' regulatory needs. These rules are sufficiently detailed, yet flexible, so that they can be implemented by all Class II gaming operations, regardless of size.'

Part 547 makes much-needed updates to account for advances in technology. In addition, by no longer referencing 'Underwriters Laboratory,' Part 547 increases flexibility and facilitates compliance. Finally, Part 547 revises the 'grandfather clause' to allow machines that have been certified 'grandfathered' an additional five years to come into full compliance with the technical standards, and allows certification of eligible Class II systems that may have missed the original certification deadline.

Like any other regulated community, stakeholders are afforded the opportunity to provide input regarding rules and regulations with which they must comply. For tribes that participate in gaming pursuant to IGRA, this is especially important, not only because tribes are part of a three layered gaming regulatory system, but also because of the unique government-to-government relationship tribes have with the Federal government.

Best table games in vegas. 'When drafting regulations, it is absolutely necessary to get insight from the regulated community--the people who implement the regulations on the ground, and know what works and doesn't work in real life,' stated Chairwoman Stevens.

The finalized regulations are the result of a deliberative process that the Commission began in November 2010 as part of its Regulatory Review initiative. Using an improved consultation process that involved tribes and stakeholders early in the rulemaking process, the Commission was able to gather vital information before beginning the formal rulemaking process.

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'Making regulations fit such a diverse industry did pose some challenges,' Associate Commissioner Dan Little said. 'However, working with tribal operators, regulators, manufacturers and other industry experts, the Commission was able to formulate regulations that establish clear direction, while taking into account varying types of gaming venues. The regulations were crafted with some flexibility so tribal gaming regulatory agencies can fully implement the regulations in a way that best protects their operations.'

After engaging the help of a Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC), participating in informative conversations with tribes, and receiving public comments during the informal drafting phase, the Commission released Notices of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for both Part 543 and Part 547 on June 1, 2012 with the comment period closing on July 31, 2012. In response to initial comments requesting an extension of the deadline, the Commission extended the deadline to August 15, 2012. The Commission reviewed and considered all comments on the NPRM received by August 15.

'The Tribal Advisory Committee, tribal, and public comments were extremely useful in developing these standards, but the TAC especially,' Associate Commissioner Little stated further. 'The Committee was comprised of 15 diverse and knowledgeable Indian gaming professionals who provided valuable and practical insight during the drafting process. While not all recommendations were included, the end product includes many components recommended by the industry. As a result, the final regulations reflect their experience and make the revised regulations relevant to today's gaming industry.'

'These regulations help strengthen the foundation of Indian gaming by ensuring that solid controls and clear responsibilities are established, providing a strong Class II industry and stability to tribal government gaming,' Chairwoman Stevens concluded.

The NIGC is dedicated to assisting tribes to maintain compliance with all NIGC regulations. At a later date, the NIGC intends to issue guidance and offer training and technical assistance to facilitate compliance with these rules. Information will be posted on the NIGC website and circulated to tribes in the near future.

Parts 543 and 547 are available for public inspection and comment by clicking here and here. Both rules will become effective on October 22, 2012. Existing facilities will have one year to come into compliance with the MICS; however, facilities opened after the effective date of the regulation must comply with the MICS upon opening. All related regulatory review information can be found on our website at under the Tribal Consultation/Regulatory Review 2011-12/Discussion Drafts.

Apple editing app. The NIGC is an independent regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.


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Introduction to Legal Gaming Classifications

Accepted legal gaming classifications are available to state gaming boards to restrict which class of slot machines can be used in a casino or other gaming area, specifically Class I thru III.

All 3 classifications are in limited use by states for non-tribal casino operators but are fully in use at all Indian gambling establishments.

At this time, only Hawaii and Utah continue to prohibit all three classifications of gaming.

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Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA)

The first federal gaming structure for Indian gaming was established in 1988 with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, enacted as a U.S. federal law. The stated purposes of the Act include:

  • Providing a legislative basis for the operation/regulation of Indian gaming
  • Protecting gaming as a means of generating revenue for the tribes
  • Encouraging economic development of these tribes
  • Protecting the enterprises from negative influences, such as organized crime

The Act establishes three classes of games with a different regulatory scheme for each:

Class I Gaming

Class I gaming is defined as

  1. Traditional Indian gaming as part of tribal ceremonies and celebrations
  2. Social gaming for minimal prizes

Regulatory authority over this class of gaming falls to Tribal governments and is not otherwise subject to IGRA's requirements.

Class II Gaming

Class II gaming is defined as the game of chance known as bingo, aided or not aided by any electronics, and other games similar to bingo if played at the same location.

It also applies to games played exclusively against another player rather than against the house or a player acting as a bank.

Tribal governments are the primary legal entity responsible for regulating Class II games on its lands, as long as

Class Iii Gaming Definition

  • The state in which the Tribe has located permits such gaming for any purpose
  • The Tribal government adopts a gaming ordinance approved by the National Indian Gaming Commission

Tribal governments are responsible for regulating class II gaming with Commission oversight. The Act specifically excludes slot machines or electronic facsimiles of any game of chance from the definition of class II games.

Class III Gaming

Class III gaming is generally referred to as casino-style gaming. It has a broad definition and includes all forms of gaming not specifically called out as Class I or II.

Games commonly played at casinos clearly fall into the Class III category, including

  • slot machines
  • blackjack
  • craps
  • roulette
  • wagering games
  • electronic facsimiles of any game of chance

As restricted by the IGRA, before a Tribe can lawfully conduct Class III gaming, these conditions must be met:

  • The particular form of Class III gaming the Tribe wants to conduct must be permitted in the state the Tribe is located.
  • The Tribe and state must have negotiated a compact approved by the Secretary of the Interior, or the Secretary must have approved regulatory procedures, a so-called Tribal-State Compact.
  • The Tribe must have adopted a Tribal gaming ordinance approved by the Chairman of the Commission.

The regulatory scheme for Class III gaming is complex, with key functions for approval authority resting with several organizations at the federal, state, Commission, and Tribal levels.

Summary of Legal Gaming Classifications

Accepted legal gaming classifications are available to state gaming boards to restrict which class of slot machines can be used in a casino or other gaming area, specifically Class I (tribal ceremonies), Class II (bingo), and Class III (everything else). Here's a list of specifically-named games with their associated Class.

All three classifications are in limited use by states for non-tribal casino operators but are fully in use at all Indian gambling establishments. At this time, only Hawaii and Utah continue to prohibit all three classifications of gaming.

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